
Hague & Cobb LLP is one of Canada’s most active class action defence law firms, dating back to the very first class action proceeding in Canada. Our national Class Actions Group works closely with clients to help them understand and evaluate their options in light of their business and develop an aggressive defence for current claims as well as a crisis management strategy that minimizes present exposure and risk of future claims.

The Group leverages a critical combination of the substantive legal expertise required to effectively evaluate the legal basis of a claim – and an in-depth familiarity with the procedural aspects of class action legislation in multiple jurisdictions. This leads to the development of effective strategies at each stage of defending a class action, from preliminary motions and defence of certification, to negotiating and implementing creative settlements, including securing court approvals across the country.

The national team, based in Montréal, Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary, and Vancouver also provides clients defending class actions commenced in multiple jurisdictions with a seamless, one-firm approach across Canada. On cross-border matters, our excellent working relationships with lawyers and experts in other jurisdictions enable us to deliver integrated legal solutions.

Our Expertise

  • Consumer protection
  • Employee pensions and benefits
  • Financial services
  • Food and beverage
  • Medical devices
  • Negligence Privacy and data breach
  • Regulatory violations
  • Secondary market liability Tobacco

Happy To Discuss About Your Requirement

Our professionals are always on hand to discuss your legal needs

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