
Hague & Cobb LLP’s Restructuring & Insolvency Group has built its reputation as a leader in the sector by guiding many of the most noteworthy commercial restructurings in Canadian history to a successful conclusion. We respond quickly, negotiate effectively and deliver legal solutions that maximize value and create new strategic opportunities for our clients.

Having represented all parties in both public and private insolvency and restructuring matters, our team has the experience to handle the most complex insolvencies and corporate restructurings. Our team has the insight necessary to see every restructuring and insolvency issue from a number of different perspectives enabling us to think strategically and creatively to find effective solutions.

Hague & Cobb LLP’s expertise encompasses proceedings under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA), restructurings under the Canada Business Corporations Act and provincial corporate statutes, comprehensive balance sheet restructurings, receiverships, and proposals and bankruptcies under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. We also have significant experience in cross-border insolvencies that involve U.S. Chapter 7, 11 and 15 proceedings.

A multidisciplinary approach to restructuring and insolvency files that leverages our expertise in litigation, banking, M&A, pensions, employment, securities, tax and regulatory law enables us to assist our national and international clients in maneuvering through Canada’s restructuring landscape to achieve successful results. We have participated in major restructuring proceedings across Canada and have on-the-ground expertise in Montréal, Toronto and Vancouver with lawyers who have led major restructuring processes in each market.

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Our Expertise

  • Acquisition and divestiture of distressed assets
  • Bankruptcies
  • Corporate reorganizations and restructurings
  • Court-appointed receiverships
  • Debtor-in-possession financing
  • Enforcement of security
  • Forbearances
  • Formal and informal restructurings
  • Refinancings
  • Shareholder disputes
  • Workouts

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Our professionals are always on hand to discuss your legal needs

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