International Regulation & Compliance


Hague & Cobb LLP’s regulatory experts bring a pragmatic approach when helping clients navigate increasingly complex federal economic sanctions, import and export controls and anti-corruption laws. Drawing upon a multi-disciplinary team, we deliver responsive, seamless service and strategic compliance advice in the context of M&A and commercial transactions, compliance audits and internal investigations, and disputes.

We excel at dealing with the diverse international regulatory matters that arise in fast-moving control transactions as well as more routine commercial transactions. Clients receive expert counsel on matters ranging from economic sanctions compliance in relation to designated persons and embargoes, to Canada’s blocking law with respect to the US embargo of Cuba. Our lawyers also effectively manage customs and trade audits and any issues that arise.

The Hague & Cobb LLP team is highly experienced in the development and management of compliance programs and crisis response plans. When issues arise, we provide crisis management advice and representation, including conducting internal investigations and preparing and submitting voluntary disclosures to governmental authorities. We represent clients before governmental agencies and law enforcers as well as with counsel in other jurisdictions in resolving matters that often have multi-jurisdictional dimensions. Throughout, our extensive experience in government relations and legislative affairs enables us to clearly and strategically integrate government relations and public relations on behalf of our clients.

Our Expertise

  • Anti-corruption
  • Anti-dumping
  • Audits
  • Bilateral investment treaties
  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
  • Controlled goods
  • Customs law and commodity tax law
  • Dumping and countervailing duties
  • Economic sanctions
  • Energy trading
  • Excise tax
  • Export and Import controls
  • Foreign corrupt practices / Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act
  •  Goods and services tax
  • Government procurement
  • Government relations and legislative affairs
  • Indirect tax
  • Internal investigations
  • Nuclear Non-proliferation Import and Export Control Regulations / Nuclear Safety and Control Act
  •  Sanctions compliance
  • Special Import Measures Act
  •  Tariff classification and rate quotas
  • Trade remedies
  • Transfer pricing
  • Valuations
  • Voluntary disclosures
  • WTO agreements

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