
Hague & Cobb LLP delivers strategic, innovative legal solutions to employers, administrators, and other stakeholders in navigating the complex, multi-jurisdictional landscape of Canadian pensions and benefits law. Our specialists are recognized experts in their field, and are supported by our strong corporate, securities, labour and employment, tax, banking, and other groups to advise clients on multi-disciplinary issues. As the first law firm in Canada with pensions practitioners in common law and civil law jurisdictions in Canada, we are uniquely situated to advise national and multi-jurisdictional employers.

Members of our Group call upon deep and thorough knowledge of the regulatory regime in which pension and benefits plans operate to advise clients on matters ranging from day-to-day administration, to ongoing regulatory compliance, to plan drafting and design. We also regularly advise on the complex rules governing the investment and efficient structuring of pension plan assets, as well as de-risking and other strategies.

Clients receive creative and practical solutions for pensions and benefits issues that arise in the context of M&A, financing and insolvency mandates. Furthermore, our lawyers have acted on almost every major pensions and insolvency matter in Canada, advising companies, monitors, and other pension stakeholders in this complex and evolving area of law. We have also helped clients attain unique pension funding regulatory relief in connection with, or to avoid, corporate insolvency.

Our Expertise

  • Administration
  • Asset transfers and mergers
  • Audits
  • Benefit design
  • Buy-in/buy-out annuity contracts
  • Compliance
  • Deferred profit sharing plans
  • Defined benefit/defined contribution
  • Executive compensation arrangements
  • Funding relief
  • Governance
  • Insolvency and restructuring
  • Investment structuring
  • Investment policies
  • Letters of credit funding
  • Longevity hedging
  • Multi-employer pension plans
  • Pension plan governance
  • Pension regulatory tribunals
  • Pension surplus-sharing agreements
  • Plan design and drafting
  • Retiree benefits/OPEBs
  • Retirement compensation arrangements
  • Retiring allowances
  • Subscription agreements and side-letters
  • Supplemental pension plans/SERPs/top-up/top-hat plans
  • Target benefit/shared risk plans
  • Trust agreements

Happy To Discuss About Your Requirement

Our professionals are always on hand to discuss your legal needs

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